Language Interference and Integration

1.     Interference
1.1   Opinions of experts on language interference
Some experts have expressed opinions about the interference, some of which are Alwasilah (1985:131) explores the notion of interference by Hartman and Stonk formula that interference is a mistake caused by the tendency familiarize pronunciations (utterances) of a language to another language sound unit includes pronunciation, grammar language, and vocabulary. Meanwhile, Jendra (1991:109) suggests that the interference covers various aspects of language, can be absorbed in the plane of the sound (phonology), word formation grammar (morphology), syntax (syntax), vocabulary (lexicon), and good meaning (semantics ) (Suwito, 1985:55).
Interference, according to Nababan (1984), an error that occurs as a result of entrainment of speech habits of the mother tongue or dialect into a language or a second dialect. Similarly, Chaer and Agustina (1995: 168) argued that the interference is the norm of the deviation event one or more languages. To strengthen the understanding of interference terms, the following will be presented basic ideas of experts in the field of sociolinguistics that has defined this event.
Chaer opinion (1998:159) the interference was first used by Weinrich to mention the existence of a language system changes with respect to the contiguity of these languages ​​with elements of other languages ​​by the bilingual speakers. Interference refers to the existence of irregularities in the use of a language to include other language systems. Pieces of other languages ​​clauses in a sentence other languages ​​can also be regarded as interference events. Meanwhile, according to Hartman and Stonk in the Chair (1998:160) interference occurs as a result of entrainment of speech habits of the mother tongue or dialect into a language or a second dialect.
Abdulhayi (1985:8) refers to the opinion of Valdman (1966) formulate a constraint that the interference as a result of user habits mother tongue (first language) in the studied language acquisition (second language). As a consequence, there was a transfer or removal of the negative elements of the mother tongue into the target language.
Opinions expressed by others regarding interference Suhendra Joseph (1994:67) states that the main factors that may cause such differences between source language and target language. The difference was not only in structure but also the diversity of language vocabulary.
Another notion advanced by Jendra (1995:187) states that the infiltration system interference as a symptom of a language into another language. Interference arising from implementing bilingual unit system sounds (phonemes) first language into second language sound system, which causes disturbance or deviations in the phonemic system of the recipient language.
Interference is a symptom of the biggest changes, the most important and dominant in language development. In the language of a large, rich vocabulary such as English and Arabic too, in its development cannot be separated from interference, particularly with respect to the vocabulary of cultural and natural environments donor language. Symptoms of interference from one language to another language are difficult to avoid. The occurrence of symptoms is also not free from the interference behavior of speakers of the recipient.
1.2   Interference to the sound/phonetic
Interference occur when the speaker's identifying the phoneme system from the first language (source language)and then use theme system of second language(target language). In saying return the sound, the speaker speaks up by using the phonetic pronunciation of the first language rules. Speakers of Javane sea lwaysad dan asal sound “homorgan” in front of words that start with the consonant/b /, /d/, /g /, and/j/, for example in the words:
/mBandung/, /mBali/, /nDaging/, /nDepok/, /ngGombong/, /ny Jambi/
the pronunciation of these words has been the sound of the Java languagegrammar interference in the Indonesian language. Phonological interference includes intonation, rhythm and articulation.
1.3 Interference in the field of morphology
Interference morphology viewed by linguists as the most happened. .Interference occurs in the formation of words with the affix absorb another language. For example, if we heard some words in Indonesia such as “kepukul, ketabrak, kebesaran, kekecilan, kemahalan, sungguhan, bubaran, duaan. Such things we call as a interference because the forms are in fact no true form, it should be “terpukul, tertabrak, terlalu besar, terlalu kecil, terlalu mahal, kesungguhan, berpisah (bubar), dan berdua.Based on the data above that the process of constructing the words is called interference morphology has the basic shape of the Indonesian word vocabulary with the affix of regional language or foreign language.
1.4 Interference in the field of Syntax
This interference occurs because the removal of the first morpheme or word into a second language usage usually also occurs expanded use of the word's first language, which expands the meaning of words that already exist so that the base is getting a new word or even a combination of the two possibilities above.
Interference occurs when the base word such as an Indonesian speaker also speak English very well, so the conversation is often tucked away in the words of English, so often caught in the interference.
For example:
 · Planningku setelah lulus sarjana adalah melanjutkan sekolah ke luar negeri.
· Mereka akan married bulan depan..

1.5  Interference in the field of Semantics
            Interference within the meaning of governance can be divided into three parts.
-          expansive interference (Interferensi perluasan makna), the absorption event vocabulary elements into other languages. For example, the concept Distanz word that comes from Distance into the English vocabulary of German vocabulary. Or words to Democration, Demokration and demokrasi.

-           additive interference (Interferensi penambahan makna), the addition of new vocabulary with a rather special meaning even if the old vocabulary is still used and still have a complete meaning. For example, Father said in English or in German Vater into Vati. On 'smooth' meaning (perhalusan kata) interference also occurs, for example: refining the word Gelandangan became Tunawisma

-           replasive interference (Interferensi penggantian makna), the interference that occurs due to the replacement of the vocabulary that caused a change in meaning as the word that comes from Melayu

            With the examples above, it can distinguish between Campur code with interference. Mix the pieces of the code refers to the use of other languages ​​in a language, whereas interference refers to irregularities in the use of a language to include other language systems. But the pieces of other languages ​​in the form of clauses in a sentence other languages ​​can still be regarded as a mixed event code, and also interferences.
            In terms of "Kemurnian bahasa", the interference could "damage" language. In terms of language development, interference is a very important mechanism to enrich and develop a language to the same degree of perfection of the language so it can be used in all areas .  Hocket (1958) says that interference is a symptom of the largest, most important and dominant in language .
            The main contribution of interference is the field of vocabulary. The language has a socio-cultural background, extensive use and has a vast vocabulary, vocabulary will be a lot to contribute to the develop-lingual language support and have contact with that language. In this process, or affect the language that gives so-called donor source language or languages, and languages ​​that receive so-called language or discuss recipient absorbent, while the elements of a given element is called absorption or imports’.

Elements in the Interference
At least there are three important elements that take part in the process of interference are:
1.  Source Language  (Bahasa Sumber) or commonly known as the donor language. Language is the language of the dominant donor in a community language so that language elements often borrowed for the purpose of communication between members of the community.
2. The target language or the language of the absorber (recipient). Absorbing the language is a language that receive foreign elements, and then align the rules of pronunciation and writing it into the recipient language support.
3. Importation (importasi, unsur serapan) . This is referred to here is the shift of the elements of a foreign language is the language of the recipient.

            1.6 Interference in the field of sentences
Interference in this field are rare. It does need to be avoided because of the pattern structure is a prominent feature language independence thing. For example, Rumahnya ayahnya Ali yang besar sendiri di kampung itu, or Makanan itu telah dimakan oleh saya, or Hal itu saya telah katakan kepadamu kemarin. this is a form of interference because in fact there is an equivalent form that is considered to be more grammatically: Rumah ayah Ali yang besar di kampung ini, Makanan itu telah saya makan, and Hal itu telah saya katakan kepadamu kemarin. happen deviation is caused because there is an equivalent context of donor language, for example: Omahe bapake Ali sing ing gedhe dhewe iku village, and so on
1.6  Types of Reference
Interference by Jendra (1991:106-114) can be viewed from various angles that will cause a wide range of interference include:
(1)   Interference from elements in terms of uptake
Language contact can occur between a language that is still in a relative or a language that is not a relative. Interference between the language families referred to as infiltration family (internal interference) such interference Indonesian with the Java language. While the interference between the languages ​​is not a family called the infiltration is not a family (external interference) such as English language interference with the Indonesian language.
(2)   Interference in terms of the direction of element uptake
 Interference component consists of three elements, namely the source language, the language of the absorber, and the language of the recipient. Each language will be very likely to be the source language and the language of the recipient. Mutual interference as we call it a productive interference. In addition, there is also a language that only serves as the source language to another language or unilateral interference. Such interference is called interference receptive.
(3)   Interference in terms of actors
Interference is the culprit in terms of individuals and is considered a symptom of irregularities in the life of language as an element uptake is in fact already exist in the language of the recipient. Interference productive or receptive language on the individual offender treatment is called interference or interference performance. Interference in the early treatment of people learns a foreign language is called interference or interference developmental learning.
(4)   Interference with the terms of the field.
The influence of language interference on the receiving can penetrate into the intensive and can also be a surface that does not cause interference to the system's receiver language. If the interference is to cause changes in the receiver role in the language system called systemic interference. Interference can occur on various aspects of language, among others, the system of sounds (phonology), word formation grammar (morphology), syntax (syntax), vocabulary (lexicon), and may also infiltrate the plane of the meaning (semantics).

Jendra (1991:108) distinguishes interference into five aspects of language, among others
1.       interference in the field of a system of sound (phonology)
2.       interference in the formation of the word grammar (morphology)
3.       interference in sentence grammar (syntax)
4.       interference in the vocabulary (lexicon)
5.      interference with the plane of the meaning (semantics)

According Jendra (1991:113) in the field of semantic interference can still be divided into three parts, namely:
(1) Expansive semantic interference, this term is used in case of borrowing the concept of culture and also the name of the source language elements.
(2) Semantic additive interference; Interference occurs when there is a new form of co-exist with the old form, but a new form shifted from its original meaning.
(3) Semantic interference replasive; Interference occurs when there is a new concept of meaning as a replacement for an old concept.

Faktor penyebab

2       Integration
2.5  Definition of Integration

Indonesian society is a society that bilingual (bilingual), thus there was the language of the bilingual or even multi-linguist. Mastery of two languages ​​or more by a language speakers was an impact, that is transfer of the elements of language, both positive transfer and negative transfer. Negative transfer would give birth to interference, while the positive transfer result in the integration of the two languages ​​that are advantageous because the absorption of elements of a language that can integrate with the systems absorbing language.

Integration is a language with elements of a loan, use, and is considered to have become citizens of that language. Acceptance of other language elements in a specific language to be the status of integration takes time and a relatively long stage. At first, a speaker uses a language other elements in his speech as an element of the loan because it feels necessary, for example, in B-1nya no counterpart element (could also have been there but he did not know it). If the foreign elements are used then it can be accepted and used also by others, then so be it status as an element the element that has been integrated.

  Process Integration
The integration process is divided into four kinds,  that are:
1.      Integration Audial
Audial integration in the early speakers of Indonesia heard of lexical items that are spoken by the original speaker, and then try to use it. What is heard by the ear that's what it said and written. Therefore, acceptable vocabularies audial often show characteristic irregularities when compared with the original vocabulary.

-          Dongkrak         : Domekracht
-          Pelopor            : Voorloper
-          Sakelar                        : Schakelaar

2.      Integration of Visual
Visual integration is the integration of the absorption is carried through in the original form of writing, and then writing is adjusted according to the rules contained in the General Guidelines Establishment of terms and General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling Enhanced.
-          System             : Sistem (Not sistim)
-          Hierarchy        : Hierarki (Not hirarki)
-          Repertoire       : Repertoir (Not repertoar)

3.      Integration of Direct Translation
Direct translation of integration is the integration with the equivalent of finding a foreign vocabulary into Indonesian.
-          Joint venture               : Usaha patungan
-          Balance budget           : Anggaran berimbang
-          Samen werking           : Kerja sama

4.      Translation Integration Concept
Translation of the concept of integration is the integration by examining the concept of foreign vocabulary, then look for the concept into the Indonesian language.
-          Medication                  : Pengobatan
-          Brother in law            : Ipar laki-laki
-          Job description            : Ketentuan kerja

Absorption of the archipelago languages ​​or regional languages ​​by the Indonesian language does not seem so creates problems, because these languages ​​linguistically the archipelago was still allied with the Indonesian language, much less absorption occurred in the area of ​​vocabulary. If a word has no absorption at the level of integration, it said it had agreed uptake and converged into the new law. Therefore, the processes that occur in this integration is called convergence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:169-171). Borrowing elements are absorbed as the result of interference will to the extent of integration, both within a relatively short time and in a relatively long time. Because until recently been a lot of evidence in any language that has contact with other languages, each language that will experience interference, which was followed by the integration event.
Interference and the integration events in the language of the recipient bring a few possibilities that would occur in the recipient language due to the occurrence of interference and the integration. The first, the language of recipients did not experience any effects that are changing the system if there is no possibility to hold a renewal or development in the recipient's language. The second possibility, the language of the recipient to change the system, both at the subsystem phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic.

2.2 Differences of Interference and Integration
A. Interference
A. Understanding Interference
Interference is generally regarded as a symptom of speech (speech parole), only occurs in bilingual and the event is considered as an aberration. Interference is considered as something that does not need to happen because the uptake of elements that have no immediate analogue in the absorber. Sooner or later language development in accordance with an absorbent, interference is expected to further decrease or the most minimal extent (Kridalaksana, 2001:60) in Linguistics Dictionary gives the following definition.
a)      bilingualism
Bilingualism is an element the use of other languages ​​by the bilingual individual linguist in a language, other languages ​​characteristic still visible (in contrast to integration). Interference varies according to the medium, style, variety, and the context in which it is used by people who are bilingual.
b)      Teaching the language.
Teaching language is a language error in the form of a separate language elements are brought into another language or dialect is studied. According Chaer and Agustina (2004:160-161) states that the interference that occurs in the interpretation process is called interference receptive, in the form of the language B to language A. impregnated While the interference that occurs in a process called interference productive representation. Receptive and productive interference contained in the follow-selling bilingual speakers of the language is called interference treatments. Interference treatment is common in those who are learning a second language, because it is also called interference study or development. Interference term was first used to refer to a language system changes with respect to the contiguity of these languages ​​with elements of other languages ​​by the bilingual speakers. Interference as a form of measurement to errors caused by the entrainment language habits of speech-language or dialect of first-language activities. Interference is a deviation from the norms of language in a language that is used as a result of the introduction to another language. Transfer in language contact can occur in all linguistic levels, whether phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and lexicon.
Based on the above, it is known that the interference is
a) It is a use of the elements of language into another language when speaking or writing in another language.
b) Is the application of two systems simultaneously on a language element?
c) The presence of a deviation from the norms of each language contained in bilingual speech.
B. Symptoms of Interference
Symptoms of interference can be viewed in 3-dimensional scene. First, the dimension of language behavior of individuals in the community. Second, the dimensions of the language system of two languages ​​or more of the blend. Third, the dimensions of language learning. Dimensional behavior of the language, can easily be listened to speakers from a variety of practices that do speakers of mixed code in question. This interference is purely a design or a model made of speakers itself. Of the dimensions of the language system, known as the systemic levy language interference. While the dimensions of language learning, education, known as interference. In the process of learning a second or foreign language, learning certainly finds elements that are similar, or even perhaps the same as the first language (Paul Ohoiwutun, 2002:72-74).
C. Types of Interference
Chaer and Agustina (2004:162-165) identifies four types of interference into the language.
1)      Interference phonological
Phonological interference occurs when the speakers expressed the words of a language by inserting the language sounds of another language. Phonological interference is divided into two kinds, namely phonological interference and interference reduction letter phonological change.
slalu? always adek? younger brother
ama? same rame? Crowded
smua? all cayang? Affection
2)      Interference of Morphological
Morphological interference occurs when the formation of a language he affix-affix absorb another language. Deviation of the structure of contact between the languages ​​being spoken language (Indonesian) with others who also mastered the language (regional language or foreign language).
 kepukul? Beaten
moved? be transferred
neonisasi? Peneonan
question? Ask
3)      Interference Syntax
Interference occurs when the syntactic structure of other languages ​​(regional languages, foreign language, and slang) used in the formation of sentences used. Uptake of the sentence can be words, phrases, and clauses. Such syntactic interference was evident in the mixed event code.
Example: they will be married next month. because I have the same slick kadhung him, O my signature.
4)      Interference semantically
Interference that occurs in the plane of the meaning. According recipient  language, semantic interference can be divided into two types, namely interference and interference expansive additive.
(1)    Interference expansive, the interference that occurs when the language absorb cultural concepts with the names of other languages.
Example: my friends just added gokil.
(2)    Interference with an additive, that is interference that appears to the adjustment and interference that appears next to the old form with a rather special meaning.
Example: Ms. Ari's beautiful.
2. Integration
A. Definition of Integration
Indonesian society is a society that bilingual (bilingual), thus there was the language of the bilingual or even multi language. Mastery of two languages ​​or more by a language speakers was an impact, namely the transfer of the elements of language, both positive transfer and negative transfer. Negative transfer would give birth to interference, while the positive transfer result in the integration of the two languages ​​that are advantageous because the absorption of elements of a language that can integrate with the systems absorbing language.
Integration is a language with elements of a loan, use, and is considered to have become citizens of that language. Acceptance of other language elements in a specific language to be the status of integration takes time and a relatively long stage. In the beginning of a speaker using elements of other languages ​​in utterance as an element of the loan because it feels necessary, for example, in B-1nya no counterpart element (could also have been there but he did not know it). If the foreign elements are used then it can be accepted and used also by others, then be the elements that already existed as an element integration. Process Integration The integration process is divided into four kinds, viz.
1)      Integration Audio
Audio integration in the early speakers of Indonesia heard of lexical items that are spoken by the original speaker, and then try to use it. What is heard by the ear and that's what utterance written. Therefore, an acceptable vocabulary audio often show characteristic irregularities when compared with the original vocabulary. Example: the jack? domekracht pioneer? voorloper switch? Schakelaar
2)      Integration of Visual
Visual integration is the integration of the absorption is carried through in the original form of writing, then writing is adjusted according to the rules contained in the General Guidelines General Guidelines for Establishment of terms and Indonesian Spelling Enhanced.
system? system (not lite)
hierarchy? hierarchy (not hierarchical)
repertoire? repertoire (not repertoires)
3)      Integration of Direct Translation
Direct translation of integration is the integration with the equivalent of finding a foreign vocabulary into Indonesian.
joint venture? joint venture
balance the budget? balanced budget
samen Werking? Cooperation
4)      Integration of Translation Concept
Translation of the concept of integration is the integration by examining the concept of foreign vocabulary, then look for the concept into the Indonesian language.
 medication? medical
brother in law? brother-in-law
job description? conditions of employment
Absorption of the archipelago languages ​​or regional languages ​​by the Indonesian language does not seem so creates problems, because these languages ​​linguistically the archipelago was still allied with the Indonesian language, much less absorption occurred in the area of ​​vocabulary. If a word has no absorption at the level of integration, it said it had agreed uptake and converged into the new law. Because of this, which occurred in the integration process is usually called convergence (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:169-171). Borrowing elements are absorbed as the result of interference will to the extent of integration, both within a relatively short time and in a relatively long time. Because until recently been a lot of evidence in any language that has contact with other languages, each language that will experience interference, which was followed by the integration event.

Interference and the integration events in the language of the recipient bring a few possibilities that would occur in the recipient language due to the occurrence of interference and the integration. The first, the language of recipients did not experience any effects that are changing the system if there is no possibility to hold a renewal or development in the recipient's language. The second possibility, the language of the recipient to change the system, both at the subsystem phonological, morphological subsystem, subsystems syntactic, and semantic subsystems.

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